Labels:book | bookmark | person | portal site | poster | refrigerator | table | tie | windowpane OCR: Contents CD. Rom containir 5 Peauriul uter ork with Frint Master wadgbre. Sersthsert IarM System reauirements CD-Rom drive Color prireer Mac OS orhiaher Windows 9A 56-colo VGI hiaher ana ar 33mh 486 hioher arive Special Effecte Illustration Inc ITEM 39905 840 West 1700 South #2 Salt Lake City,UT 84104 1999 2004 opecia ffecte Illustration s'sCliArt ZprtTure tragemrks SpnWEffecto Llussras-en orperation and iM cort ainir wodbre Snxstheirt requirements Effects 1939